I decided to start making some work-holding tools I found on the Shapeoko User Group on Facebook, some cam holding clamps and holding L-brackets.While the Shapeoko ran its job, I cut some additional directional signage for the Amphitheater on the GCC Expert24LX Vinyl Cutter. However, I just noticed a mistake. The signage was to read Main Gates, not Plaza Gates.I also fired up the Stacker 500 to start printing the nave of the Sagrada Familia model.I finished drilling the mounting holes and installing the mounting T-nuts on the backings for the Amphitheater Parking Lot Solar Work Light Panels.The L-brackets I found on Facebook weren’t designed from my X-Carve CNC Router, so I decided to design one myself. It will be 3D-printed rather than cut from MDF.
From an early age, Minh-Kiet Callies has been drawn to the creative process, finding joy in transforming ideas into tangible realities. With a passion for making, creating, and designing, Minh-Kiet has embarked on a journey of exploration and self-expression through various mediums.
A self-proclaimed "maker," Minh-Kiet finds fulfillment in the hands-on experience of crafting objects and bringing them to life. Whether it's woodworking, metalworking, or experimenting with new technologies, Minh-Kiet relishes the challenges and rewards of the creative process.
Beyond the physical act of making, Minh-Kiet is also a skilled creator and designer. With an eye for detail and a knack for problem-solving, Minh-Kiet approaches each project with a focus on functionality, aesthetics, and innovation. Their designs reflect a deep understanding of materials, techniques, and user experience.
Throughout their journey, Minh-Kiet has continuously expanded their skillset, seeking out new tools and technologies to enhance their creative capabilities. From traditional hand tools to digital fabrication machines, Minh-Kiet embraces the possibilities that each medium offers.
A strong advocate for sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration within the maker community, Minh-Kiet is an active participant in workshops, online forums, and local maker spaces. They believe that the exchange of ideas and experiences is essential for personal growth and the advancement of the maker movement.
As Minh-Kiet continues to explore the vast realm of making, creating, and designing, they remain committed to pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and inspiring others through their work. With an unwavering passion for creativity and a deep appreciation for the power of making, Minh-Kiet Callies is an embodiment of the maker spirit.
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