A snow storm hit yesterday, dumping over a foot of snow and some across the area. I grabbed my iPad and Apple Pencil and started designing an andon lantern frame, using Shapr3D. My idea is to create a standard frame with the ability to easily install and swap out custom panels..

Using some scrap plywood, I cut out my first rendition of my idea. On the laser cutter. While on the right path, I still had issues to solve, such as how to easily secure the bottom and top pieces to the upright (hence the use of rubber bands to keep the frame together). I also wanted the two pieces that made up the corner uprights to be better aligned with one another.

I thought I would integrate finger joints along the vertical corner of the uprights to provide be alignment of the corner, but I learned during the prototyping process that I designed the joint incorrectly.

At the top and bottom of the frame, I created panels with holes to accommodate the angled uprights, which locked the uprights in position. Solid side panels would also add support to the frame. Progress was being made, but there was still more tweaks that needed to be made.
I figured out where I went wrong with my upright finger joints and made the necessary correction. I also added small corner caps to provide some symmetry to the corner overhangs.
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