The Hawaiian Islands have always offered me a respite and an opportunity to recharge. This Thanksgiving, we visited Kauai, the Garden Island, for the first time. My visit here has made me think about my 2.5D carvings of Maui (see https://www.makercave.org/2021/11/14/november-14-2021/) and how to expand upon that idea. I want to do the whole Hawaiian Island chain, each island topographically and geographically represented. Ideally I would like to make this carving out of koa wood, but have had no luck in sourcing any significant amount here on Kauai.

Using this online terrain model generator, I created a 3D model of the Hawaiian Islands and laid out the carve in VCarve Pro. The final carve, which would make an excellent piece of wall art, would be 58″ wide and 30″ tall.
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